You Buyin' This?
30 years of insight in less than 30 minutes. Your weekly dose of Sales, Marketing, and questionable life decisions.
You Buyin' This?
The year of selling dangerously.
OK…let’s see if we have this right. It is only early March and the businesses that we are selling into this year are juggling concerns over increased raw material and operational costs, supply chain disruption and diversification, export uncertainty, labor shortages, an economic slowdown, eroding consumer sentiment, inventory management questions, and "is this finally the year that recession rears its ugly head?"
The perfect sauce for crushing revenue numbers!
There is opportunity among all of this, not least of which that executives must still invest in their businesses and will with the vendors that show them the path.
Jake drops some knowledge that we all need to hear at a time when ideas are the coin of the realm. Join us, you’ll be glad you did.